This Handbook, published by the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), is designed to guide individual public watchdogs and small non-governmental and media organizations that could be targeted with a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) but have no support of a legal department. How can you minimize your vulnerability to being sued by the rich and powerful? What are the strategies of defense against SLAPPs? If you are dealing with a threat or a lawsuit already, how can you get help? The Handbook addresses defamation, copyright and trademark law, protests, whistleblowing and commercial and official secrets, and data protection. CASE includes a disclaimer: “The best precaution is always to ask a qualified local lawyer in your jurisdiction for advice. This Guidebook is meant as the next best option. It is not legal advice [...].”
Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE). CASE Handbook: How to Prevent SLAPPs or Get Help If It’s Too Late, CASE, June 2024.