The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights submitted the report according to Human Rights Council resolution 47/16 to simplify the “Internet shutdowns” phenomenon. It provides an overview of trends in Internet shutdowns, an analysis of their causes, legal implications, and the impact on human rights. It highlights the roles of companies, the existing efforts in promoting Internet connectivity and providing development aid, and their importance in detecting, preventing and responding to shutdowns. The report also provides recommendations for ending shutdowns and minimizing their impact.
Some of the recommendations include the following:
- States should refrain from the full range of Internet shutdowns, given their indiscriminate and disproportionate impacts on human rights.
- Internet service providers and telecommunications companies should carry out adequate human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address their adverse human rights impacts. This includes Internet shutdowns, particularly by thoroughly assessing the risks of ordered Internet shutdowns when they enter and leave markets.
- Development agencies, regional organizations and international organizations should consider the risks of Internet shutdowns when designing and implementing cooperation programmes relating to Internet connectivity.
- Civil society should support increased digital literacy and promote Access to circumvention tools, paying due attention to their safety, accessibility and affordability.
United Nations, “Internet Shutdowns: Trends, Causes, Legal Implications and Impacts on A Range of Human Rights”, May 13, 2022.