

This Module explores how the practice of journalism has been defined and protected by international and regional law and bodies, from the rejection of licensing to the protection of journalistic sources, and including self-regulation. Many of the readings also address the impact of the digital revolution on journalism and present the conflicts on such questions as to who is a journalist.

7 items found, showing 41 - 7
Author: CIMA, Special Rapporteur Edison Lanza, UNESCO and Silvia Chocarro
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“The report aims to translate in a concise and clear manner more than 70 years of international jurisprudence on freedom of expression, and outline a road map for judicial operators so that they can make decisions that are in line with international standards.” Available only in Spanish.

Author: Richard Danbury
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In this chapter, Danbury explores the legal and normative duties of investigative journalists to proactively supply law enforcement with information uncovered regarding terrorist activity. Though Danbury explains that journalists may have a duty to inform the state if they learn of an imminent attack, a proactive duty in other cases may risk compromising the work and safety of journalists.

Danbury, R. Investigative Journalism and Terrorism: the Proactive Legal Duty to Report. (Price, S.,) Investigative Journalism: Global Perspectives. Routledge (2019).

Author: OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression
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First Joint Declaration of OAS and ACHPR Special Rapportuers on Freedom of Expression

OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression. First Joint Declaration of OAS and ACHPR Special Rapportuers on Freedom of ExpressionFebruary 28, 2005.

Author: UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression
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Joint Declaration on the General Principles on Crimes against Freedom of Expression, Obligations to Prevent and Prohibit, Obligations to Protect, Independent, Speedy and Effective Investigations, Redress for Victims and the Role of other stakeholders

UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression. Joint Declaration on Crimes against Freedom of Expression, June 25, 2012.

Author: UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression
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Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Countering Violent Extremism.

UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression. Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Countering Violent Extremism, May 3, 2016.

Author: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Organization of American States Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
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On 30 April 2020, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Organization of American States Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression published the Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Elections in the Digital Age. The Declaration enumerates recommendations regarding communication during elections for both, State as well as non-State actors. In pursuance of the publication of this Declaration, Toby Mendel, Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Democracy, noted, “The Joint Declaration breaks new ground in several respects…Some key areas it addresses include extending certain types of rules which apply to legacy media, such as on spending and transparency, to digital media, respecting the right to privacy when using personal data to micro-target messages and, for digital actors, avoiding measures which limit the diversity of information available to users or the ability of certain parties and candidates to disseminate messages.”

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Organization of American States Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression. “Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Elections in the Digital Age”. 2020.

Author: UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression
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"This Joint Declaration addresses systematic or targeted attacks on freedom of expression which are aimed at silencing certain perspectives or voices, whether internationally, nationally or locally, and State responses to such attacks. Such attacks are perpetrated in different contexts, including of international and non-international armed conflicts, terrorist attacks and widespread organized crime."

UN, OSCE, OAS and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression. Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Responses to Conflict Situations, May 4, 2015.