Freedom of Expression Online

Freedom of Expression Online

The resources on this Module focus on some of the complex issues related to the digital exercise of freedom of expression. Internet, social media, search engines have largely transformed expression, information, communication. The selected readings highlight the mismatch between practices and the law trying to catch up with the advances of the technology, while seeking to make sense of the normative cacophony.

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Liability of search engines

Author: Forum on Information & Democracy
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“The Information and Democracy Initiative demonstrates that a structural solution is possible to end the informational chaos that poses a vital threat to democracies. The exercise of human rights presupposes that democratic systems impose rules on the entities that create the standards and the architectures of choice in the digital space. This initiative demonstrates a capacity for reinventing multilateralism, with an innovative articulation between States and civil society. Initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), this process resulted in an intergovernmental text. The signatory states of the Information and Democracy Partnership now represent a coalition that can exert influence to implement a democratic vision in the digital space. The Forum on Information and Democracy has complete independence from States. However, its work is intended to be the raw material for regulation. The Forum thus has a major role to play in facing the democratic emergency.” In this Framework, the Forum puts forth twelve main recommendations which are grouped into four broad categories. These categories are: “1.) public regulation is needed to impose transparency requirements on online service providers; 2.) a new model of meta-regulation with regards to content moderation is required; 3.) new approaches to the design of platforms have to be initiated; 4.) safeguards should be established in close messaging services when they enter into a public space logic.”

Forum on Information & Democracy. “Working Group on Infodemics: Policy Framework”. 2020.