Executive Summary: This Guide provides an overview of how international law can be used to inform domestic litigation, with a focus on the issue of freedom of expression. After providing a brief overview of the sources of applicable international law norms, it provides an overview of how different jurisdictions give effect to international norms while offering practical tips for deciding how and when to invoke those norms. The Guide then describes the ways international standards can be used as a tool to inform statutory and constitutional interpretation. The Guide concludes that although different legal traditions have adopted varied approaches to incorporating international norms domestically, regardless of how this is done, international standards can play a meaningful role in domestic human rights litigation.
Center for Law and Democracy. A Guide On Using International Freedom Of Expression Norms In Domestic Courts. July 2022. https://www.law-democracy.org/live/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Guide-to-International-Law-2022.FINAL_.pdf